Making brighter cities

Energy companies

In many jurisdictions streetlights are under utility ownership and as such utilities are important players in the development of modern, energy efficient street lighting.

Many energy companies are recognizing the benefits of deploying LEDs and implementing a connected street lighting platform at the same time to enhance customer services, meet the energy and emissions goals of municipalities, and improve their own bottom line by reducing maintenance costs.

Telensa helps energy companies:-

  • Reduce the overheads associated with streetlight operations and maintenance
  • Build and maintain an up-to-date streetlight asset database
  • Improve the accuracy of customer billing
  • Introduce tariffs based on energy consumption or time-of-use
  • Monetise additional services based on the new infrastructure

Georgia Power

Telensa’s customer, Georgia Power, is one of the pioneers in street lighting services in North America. This case study  sets out the energy company business case for smart streetlighting

Besides reducing energy consumption, the new [smart streetlight] network is helping address long-standing issues around asset management and maintenance scheduling. It is also enabling service innovations such as time-of-use tariffs and additional smart city uses cases

The utility case for smart street lighting
Navigant Consulting Inc, 2019