Connecting a Safer, Smarter Tomorrow.

Data-driven lighting

Telensa’s 'presence detection' and 'motion sensing' capabilities use the presence of cars, pedestrians and cyclists to control the ambient light level

Lights are dynamically adjusted based on the data fed into PLANet from these sensors.

As an open system PLANet works in harmony with other data feeds dynamically optimising ambient light levels based on a range of other environmental factors.

Weather or air quality sensors could be used to make streetlight adjustments when it is raining or when it’s foggy or when air pollution is high.

Telensa’s UniConnect capability ensures these datasets all appear in PLANet and can be managed as one.

The seamless integration between the TagMaster API and Telensa PLANet system has immediately proven the benefits of an open data platform through our Suffolk Highways deployment and how this enabled the extended value of our data rich, roadside traffic monitoring assets, to be realised. This collaborative approach to Smart City sensing further promotes and complements inter-department relationships within local authorities, ensuring existing assets being used for transport planning and traffic management purposes, can effortlessly be harnessed for Traffic Adaptive Lighting decision making. Being able to utilise these pre-existing systems ensures costs are kept low, streets don’t become cluttered with unnecessary technology deployment and importantly that the ambition of a truly connected and efficient Smart City, becomes a reality”.

Ralph Bates